Vendor Registation System User Guide
1. Getting Started
- Getting started, you will need to click the link
- A new window will open and you will be redirected to the login page.
- For new vendors who want to register as Imagine vendors, will need to create an account in order to log-in to the system. Simply click "Sign Up"
- For existing vendors who already sign up the system. Simply just enter your username and password and click "Log In"
2. Register
- For new vendors who want to register as Imagine vendors, will need to create an account in order to log-in to the system.
- Please enter all fields as all of them are mandatory
- Please enter a valid and working email address, as this email will recieve notification from Imagine Team for any inquiries.
- As confirmation, you will receive an email from VRS email system providing your login credentials
3. Forgot Password
- Forgot your password? It's ok. You can retrieve it. Click the "Forgot Password" icon and you will be redirected to the forgot password page.
- Please enter your username.
- Upon submission, the system will send your login credentials. Please check your email.
4. Step 1
- As for first time log in users, you will be redirected to Step 1. It is compulsory for you to complete the registration first before proceeding to the next step.
- It is compulsory to fill in all the details except Fax No, and website url.
- Upon completion of inputing the form, click "Save and Next" will prompt for your confirmation. Once you click yes, a checklist will appear.
- If you made an error in the submission, you can still go back to the page by clicking the tabs to navigate your way to the form. Once you update the field, simply click "Save and Next" to proceed to the next step
5. Step 2
- This page is for you to add in contact details and financial details. It is compulsory for you to complete this before proceeding to the next step.
- Click on the "+ Add Contact" button. A form will appear.
- It is compulsory to fill in all the details except Fax No, and website url.
- Click on the "+ Add Financial Details" button. A form will appear.
- Upon completion of inputing the form, click "Save and Next" will prompt for your confirmation. Once you click yes, a checklist will appear.
- If you made an error in the submission, you can still go back to the page by clicking the tabs to navigate your way to the form. Once you update the field, simply click "Save and Next" to proceed to the next step
6. Step 3
- This page is for you to select the product and service. It is compulsory for you to complete this before proceeding to the next step.
- Upon completion of inputing the form, click "Save and Next" will prompt for your confirmation. Once you click yes, a checklist will appear.
- If you made an error in the submission, you can still go back to the page by clicking the tabs to navigate your way to the form. Once you update the field, simply click "Save and Next" to proceed to the next step
7. Step 4
- This page is for you to provide answers on HSE survey. It is compulsory for you to complete this before proceeding to the next step.
- Upon completion of inputing the form, click "Save and Next" will prompt for your confirmation. Once you click yes, a checklist will appear.
- If you made an error in the submission, you can still go back to the page by clicking the tabs to navigate your way to the form. Once you update the field, simply click "Save and Next" to proceed to the next step
8. Step 5
- This page is for you to provide documentations on the regarding your profile. It is compulsory for you to complete this before proceeding to the next step.
- Only PDF file format are only allowed to be uploaded.
- File upload limit size is 5MB per file.
The documents to be uploaded varies from different company type. The table below show what are the documents are required to upload.
# Items Private Company Private Limited Company Partnership Sole Proprietor Cooperative International Joint Venture 1 A copy of owners' (& shareholders') Identity Card(s)
*For International Vendor: Copy of all owners’ passports2 A copy of owners' (& shareholders') passport size photo(s) 3 A copy of Business Registration Certificate (Section 16 and 17 of the Business Name Acts) 4 A copy of Form X
*For International Vendor: Certificate showing the list of owners/shareholders5 A copy of Incorporation Certificate 6 A copy of Partnership Agreement 7 A copy of Joint Venture Agreement 8 A copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association 9 Company's Profile (including Ministry of Development certificate, agency letters, Jointers certificate, Software and Hardware licenses, Copy of latest telbru latest certificate, Project awards, Authorization Letter of distribute products, Product Catalogues)
*For International Vendor: background of your company including any supporting certificates and documents to support your registration application.10 Statement of Account 11 Latest Audited Account 12 Written Procedures for HSE Auditing 13 Organisation Chart 14 List of Employees (including Nationality and Position, A copy of Approval Letter for Quotas BUR 500 or new BUR 555)
*For International Vendor: List of Employees (including their name, ID card number, nationality & position)15 Imagine Land Line Number(s) for Shareholders / Managing Directors / Partners / Owner
*For International Vendor: Not applicable.16 Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy (if any) 17 Copy of Shares Certificate - Upon completion of inputing the form, click "Save and Next" will prompt for your confirmation. Once you click yes, a checklist will appear.
- If you made an error in the submission, you can still go back to the page by clicking the tabs to navigate your way to the form. Once you update the field, simply click "Save and Next" to proceed to the next step
9. Step 6
- This page is for you to provide shareholder / owner details. It is compulsory for you to complete this before proceeding to the next step.
- Click on the "+ Add Shareholder / Owner" button. A form will appear.
- It is compulsory to fill in all the details.
- Sole proprietor - Only required to fill in the company owner details
- Private Company, Private Limited Company, Partnership, Cooperative, International, Joint Venture - are required to fill in the shareholder details
- Upon completion of inputing the form, click "Save and Next" will prompt for your confirmation. Once you click yes, a checklist will appear.
- If you made an error in the submission, you can still go back to the page by clicking the tabs to navigate your way to the form. Once you update the field, simply click "Save and Next" to proceed to the next step
10. Step 7.1
- This page is for you to provide employment breakdown in your current organisation. It is compulsory for you to complete this before proceeding to the next step.
- It is compulsory to fill in all the details.
- Info: For International companies, please fill in "0" without the quotes.
- This page will automatically calculate the total and the percentage of local staff in your company
- Upon completion of inputing the form, click "Save and Next" will prompt for your confirmation. Once you click yes, a checklist will appear.
- If you made an error in the submission, you can still go back to the page by clicking the tabs to navigate your way to the form. Once you update the field, simply click "Save and Next" to proceed to the next step
11. Step 7.2
- This page is for you to provide local employment target in your ogranisation. It is compulsory for you to complete this before proceeding to the next step.
- It is compulsory to fill in all the details.
- Info: For International companies, please fill in "0" without the quotes.
- This page will automatically calculate the total and the percentage of local staff in your company
- Upon completion of inputing the form, click "Save and Next" will prompt for your confirmation. Once you click yes, a checklist will appear.
- If you made an error in the submission, you can still go back to the page by clicking the tabs to navigate your way to the form. Once you update the field, simply click "Save and Next" to proceed to the next step
12. Step 7.3
- This page is for you to provide local employment target in your ogranisation. It is compulsory for you to complete this before proceeding to the next step.
- It is compulsory to fill in all the details.
- Info: For International companies, please fill in "0" without the quotes.
- Upon completion of inputing the form, click "Save and Next" will prompt for your confirmation. Once you click yes, a checklist will appear.
- If you made an error in the submission, you can still go back to the page by clicking the tabs to navigate your way to the form. Once you update the field, simply click "Save and Next" to proceed to the next step
13. Step 7.3
- This page is for you to provide local content. It is compulsory for you to complete this before proceeding to the next step.
- It is compulsory to fill in all the details.
- Info: For International companies, please fill in "0" without the quotes.
- This page will automatically calculate the total and the percentage of local staff in your company
- Upon completion of inputing the form, click "Save and Next" will prompt for your confirmation. Once you click yes, a checklist will appear.
- If you made an error in the submission, you can still go back to the page by clicking the tabs to navigate your way to the form. Once you update the field, simply click "Save and Next" to proceed to the next step
14. Confirmation Page
- This page will provide you the summary of the forms that you have successfully submitted.
- Information:
- Amount to be paid: is according to which product and service category that you select
- Agree & Submit: is to proceed your submission to Imagine
- Back to Registration Page: is to go back to the pages and review your submission
- Upon clicking "Agree & Submit" button, a confirmation message will appear.
- Upon clicking "Yes", a successful message will appear
- Upon clicking "Ok", you will be redirected to the Dashboard.
15. Dashboard
- This page will provide the summary details of your registration details
- Information:
- Status: is to show your registration status. This will change accordingly. The other status are "Pending Approval", "Draft", "Action Required" & "Active".
Here's an example of status change to "Active".
- Site visit status: is to show your site visit request status. This will change accordingly. The other status are "Not Available", & "Site Visit completed".
Here's an example of status change to "Active".
- No. days till expiry: is to show the number of days and the expiry date.
Here's an example if you are an active vendor, the number of remaining days will be visible and the expiry date.
- Certification download: it is where the users can download the digital certificate. The download link is clickable.
Here's an example, once you are an active vendor. you can click "Download" to download the certificate.
- No. of Tender: will show the number of open tenders in Imagine. This link is clickable.
- No. of Quotation: will show the number of open quotations in Imagine. This link is clickable.
- Product & Classification Summary: This link will provide the type of services that are applicable to apply. This link is clickable.
- Document checklist: The list of documents to be submitted based on Company Type. This link is clickable.
- Status: is to show your registration status. This will change accordingly. The other status are "Pending Approval", "Draft", "Action Required" & "Active".
16. Vendor Relationship Survey
- This page is for you to provide surveys for the respective units.
- Click "Submit New Survey".
- It is compulsory to fill in all the details.
- PO Number: is the purchase order.
- Unit: is the unit that you are working with
- Period of Service: is the period that you have been a imagine vendor
- Local / International: is whether you are a local or international company
- Rating: 0 - Not relevant, 1 - Strongly disagree, 10 - Strongly Agree
17. User Profile
- To access user profile, go to the top right button. Click, and a dropdown will appear
- Upon clicking, you will be redirected to this page.
- If you click "Update details" button, a form will appear. You are only allowed to change your full name and email address.
- If you click "Change Password" button, a form will appear. You are only allowed to change your full name and email address.
17. Site Visit Request
- These are the feedback from the unit approvers.
The number represent the request from the approvers.
- After the approvers send the request, user will be able to see the feedback and able to reschedule or agree.
- Upon clicking 'reschedule', you will be redirected to this page.
- If you click "agree" button, a form with the feedback will appear. Proceed with clicking "agree" button to continue.
- Upon clicking agree, an email will be sent to the planning admin for notification.
- After the site visit has been done and completed, user will see the "site visit complete" on the dashboard as shown below.
18. Log Out
- To log out, go to the top right button. Click, and a dropdown will appear and select "Log Out"
19. Approver Feedback
- These are the feedback from the unit approvers. You will be receiving an email notification for action require and this page will also display what are the feedback and actions required.
The number represent how many feedback from the approvers.
- Upon clicking "Approver Feedback" from the left menu, you will be navigated to the feedback page. You will be able to see the comment, from which unit and when was it posted.
- Upon clicking "Approver Feedback" from the left menu, you will be navigated to the feedback page. You will be able to see the comment, from which unit and when was it posted.